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The history of Japan

Adams, Francis Ottiwell <Sir>

Henry S. King & Co. 1875

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Testo a stampa (moderno)
Description The *history of Japan / by Francis Ottiwell Adams. - 2. edition, revised
London : Henry S. King & Co., 1875
2 v., 1 c. geogr. ripieg. ; 22 cm. - Contiene: v. 1: 1853 to 1864 with a sketch of the earlier periods ; v. 2: 1865 to 1871 completing the work
Adams, Francis Ottiwell <Sir>
Subjects Giappone - Storia
Giappone - Storia - 1853-1871
Altro sist. di Classificazione RARI GIA IV A RARI - GIAPPONE - STORIA ANTICA - FINO AL PERIODO TOKUGAWA o EDO (1603-1867)
Publication place London
Publisher Henry S. King & Co.