Document detail cover Share Find the document in other resources ???scheda.servizi.button??? Facebook Kitāb Fākiha al-ḫulafāʾ wa-mufākihat al-ẓurafāʾ seu Fructus Imperatorum et Iocatio Ingeniosorum Ibn-ʿArabšāh, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Altro Officina Baadeni 1832 Write a review and share it with other readers. Find it at Details Links UON$SICORIGLIANO4@SiBA - Palazzo Corigliano 4 piano Library SiBA – Corigliano, 4 piano Map Library Document for internal consultation only Inventory MR 28805 Shelfmark RARI ARA VI 021 Browse bookshelf